Run (Bib) Numbers
Runner's numbers will be supplied at check in on the Friday. These must be worn on your front and clearly visible at all times. They have race emergency contact numbers on the back.
Unofficial Runners
Absolutely no unofficial runners are permitted. Any runner caught doing so will be banned from future entry into the event and be reported to the Australian Ultra Runners Association.
Runners can't use a pacer at any stage of the run.
Sleeping Out
If a runner wishes to have a sleep at a checkpoint they may do so after checking in with the checkpoint crew. They must also remember to check out again before leaving. There is no provision for sleeping at the checkpoints. The runner is responsible for making their own arrangements for any necessary sleeping gear. No sleeping allowed at the 12 Apostles carpark due to permit regulations.
A runner can withdraw from the race at any checkpoint. It is important to notify the nearest checkpoint officials of your intent to withdraw and text the race director. Unless the runner has support crew, it may be necessary to wait for the last runner to come through before a ride can be arranged to the start or finish. Most race traffic will be continuing towards the finish so it may be difficult to get a ride back to the start during the race. If you withdraw and do not notify organisers, a search may be instituted and you will be responsible for any costs incurred or circumstances arising from these actions.
Breach of any rules described in this on-line manual can lead to disqualification. The Race Director/s has/have discretionary authority to prevent any competitor from starting (even after successful entry) or continuing in the event if the runner or crew are deemed to have breached the Race Rules or it is considered that the runner will be at risk for whatever reason. This rule will and has been enforced.
Penalty for rule breach
Breach of any rules that do not warrant disqualification may incur a time penalty on the runner's official finishing time. This can be enforced by holding the runner at a checkpoint or added once the runner has finished. The length of penalty is at the Race Directors discretion with a view to being proportional to the infringement.
Riding in cars
If you get off track for whatever reason you cannot use a car to take you back to the course. Travel in a car at any stage of the race means disqualification.
Sorry, the course is nearly entirely within the Great Otway National Park and no dogs are allowed in the Park so they are definitely not allowed at checkpoints. Crew who bring their dog to checkpoints or the 12 Apostles risk having their runner disqualified and risk the race being banned in the future. We love dogs but they are simply not allowed in the National Park. No dogs please! This includes Volunteers!